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I get excited when I see a bishop brandishing a Louisville Slugger. I'm hoping that he's going to smash a couple of those Pachamama statues, but alas, that's rarely the case these days. It's more likely that he's going to take a swing at Catholic dogma instead.
Bishop Rick Stika of Knoxville made waves on social media the last week of November 2019 by making some outlandish statements on Twitter regarding the worship of Jesus during Mass. As of the time of this posting, you can't find those direct quotes on Twitter (they've been taken down, it seems), but as they say, "The Internet is forever."
Here they are for your consideration:
Very odd.
And certainly heterodox. Why would a bishop even say such a thing? Is he one of those post-Vatican II "the Mass isn't a sacrifice, it's a community meal" kind of guys? Did he simply misspeak? Anyone can make a mistake on Twitter, especially with that darned talk-to-text feature! (Who hasn't gotten themselves into trouble using that on a smart phone?!)
But we also have this:
I thought there was some sort of written creed or something which said something or another about each Person of the Trinity being "worshiped and glorified." Maybe I'm wrong. After all, this guy's a bishop. We're supposed to believe everything he says, do as he commands, right?
Me? I'm just a rigid Traddie.
But I am certainly going to keep praying for Bishop Stika, and I hope you do as well!
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